Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Gackt! ;3


I'm happy~~~! Because Gackt is coming to Sweden in August! It's official! :D

Man! I'm so happy! I'm going to see Gackt live!! That's like... a dream come true!
He's like.. the living icon of Japan! xD
Going to show a video of my favorite Gackt-song!

Oh well...

I just forgot the other thing I was going to write... so that's all for me!

// Bye Bye Nashimoto! ^-^ <3

Friday, May 20, 2011

Dun dun duun...

(I'm going to write in swedish, just so you now...)

Nej, jag tror du har missuppfattat det lite. Jag hatar inte att folk skär sig, eftersom jag har gjort det själv. Det jag hatar är de som visar att man har skurit sig, eller mer om att de VISAR att de har skurit sig. Visst det kanske lät som om jag menade att jag hatade att folk skär sig, men jag var lite på dåligt humör och arg när jag skrev det. Men som sagt, jag menade att jag inte gillar när folk visar bilder på det, det är lite obehagligt att se. Det är nästan som om de skär sig, bara för att verka cool när det inte är det. Men annars kan jag förstå när folk gör det. För jag mådde hur dåligt som helst när det hände så mycket negativt runt om mig. När jag hade skärt mig, så vågade jag inte visa det för någon. Utan jag visade bara mina märken för någon jag litade på, eller för någon som jag visste kunde hjälpa mig. Jag var tvungen att gå runt med långärmat hela tiden, men just nu har ju de flesta försvunnit så just nu kan ju jag gå runt i kortärmade tröjor och så. Så jag hoppas nu du har liksom förstått vad det var jag menade med inlägget...
Jag tycker det var bra gjort av dig som sökte till en kurator för att prata ut, visst det kan vara jobbigt men det är bra att prata jag fick den hjälp jag behövde. Bara att jag var tvungen att gå till en psykolog tillslut.
Och det glädjer mig att vi delar lite av samma intresse, och att du delvist kan se upp till mig. Du behöver inte vara blyg för att fråga och så, eftersom jag blir bara glad av att folk skriver till mig.

On to english...

Well, that was kind of a long answer... but I don't care.. :3
What have I done so far? I've been painting... and I'm not quite satisfied with my paintings... Since I'm getting so shaky these days.
And it's finally Friday. So I can just go home... and chill. Maybe not today, since it's my sisters birthday. And tomorrow I'm going to take some video-shots for a project in school.
We're doing a sweded version of the Korean movie Pon (Phone).

So I guess I will not chill that much...

Oh, and next week... VORTEX will be released! :3
And 4 different things will happen in 25th May.

1. VORTEX's coming out..
2. My class going to Stockholm, to see an art exhibition.
3. Kuroshitsuji's last OVA episode is coming out..
4. And an author in Deviant Art, is going to post up a side of her Kuroshitsuji-doujinshi.

2 days after that... it's Reita's 30th birthday! And 3 days after that... it's mine 18th birthday!

That's why I love May so much... x3

That was... kind of I had in mind now. I had forgotten something I was going to write, but I guess I'll write that later when I remember.

// Bye Bye Nashimoto! ^-^ <3

Monday, May 16, 2011

Things I hate...


Well, like the title says. I'm going to write about 2 things I hate... about people.

First thing I just have to say that I hate is...

People that cut themselves and then post up a picture of it on internet. Seriously? What's the point of showing people of something you just done, and of which you aren't satisfied with? If you think you'll get attention of it. Well, hooray for you. You just got, but don't expect that you'll get positive or cheering reaction about what you've done. No, you'll get the opposite reaction. People will only think bad of yourself. Thinking that you're idiotic with doing so.
Well, I have to agree that it's idiotic of posting a picture of it. Why let the whole world know what you've just done? Isn't it suppose to just let yourself know what you've done?
To post a picture of it, only makes you think that you're just doing it 'cause of attention or thinking that you're cool for doing it. I just have to tell you this... STOP IT RIGHT NOW! It isn't good to even cut yourself, it leaves marks/scars. It's not good for your body.
I says so, because I have done it. Not because of lack of attention. Because I was depressed, and felt horrible, wanting to die because of things that had happened in my life. I regretted that I've done it. I felt ashamed of myself for hurting myself. I did what it took for me to hide the scars. What did I do to stop it? I searched help! I went to a psycologist, to let my anger and sorrow out. I was getting tired of hurting myself, I had enough of it.
And guess what? I still have marks on my arms because of what I did. Marks that won't let go.
So yes, I'm mad at people that shows their scars on their arms, of how reckless they've been.
Sure, cut yourself how much you want. But don't say "Look how bad I've been! I cutted myself..", or shit like that.

Second thing I hate is... selfish people.
I know many poeple that are selfish, only talking about themselves. I'm tired of it!
I don't want to hear about your stupid life anymore! Sure, you can talk about things that had happened to you. But don't talk too much! It's seriously annoying when people says things like "My mom/dad got me this because I nagged about it, until I got it." or "I'm going to get this, because I forced my mom/dad to do it. Or else...*blabla*", and then say "I HATE my mom/dad. She/He buys nothing to me!" or "I hate them because I didn't get this..". It's selfish, and if you haven't noticed it.. you're a brat!
I have been with people that ONLY talk about stuff they get, even people that buy things that I want... just to make me jealous.
I've been with people that don't even want to hear what I got to say, not letting me say a thing about what have happened in my life. For example one moment. I was really sad, and wanted to talk with a friend about what I was sad about. Guess what she did? She started to talk about her life, what she got and what she had done... not letting me say what I wanted to get out from me.
I'm sick of it now... I don't want to hear about your life anymore, and I'm not alone with that.
Find someone else who cares about your life. I'm done with it...
I can find someone who wants to share BOTH of our lives, not only hers...

Well, that's what I wanted to get out... since I've been caring it in myself... getting angry about it.

// Bye Bye Nashimoto! ^-^ <3

Wednesday, May 11, 2011


I thought "Oi! I haven't blog in a while!". So I decided to blog a little.

Well, first!
@ylva: Thank you! I'm flattered with your words! :D I just got a mail, and they will contact me if I have been one of the winners next week.

Okay! Well, what do I have to say? I'm a little stressed, when it comes to school. But hey? Who isn't stressed at school? Haha. x3

Well, in Monday I talked to a lady, about learning difficulties. She told me that I read REALLY slowly. (I didn't knew it o__o)
And on Friday, I'm going to her again. And I'm going to do a memory test, since she thinks my working memory is bad.

Well, that's all I can come to think about for now! :3

// Bye Bye Nashimoto! ^-^ <3